Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Images of Beautiful Place of Nepal

The Famous place "Devis Fall" which lies in Pokhara.This is the place where the river flows deep down to the rocks and made artistic sceneary through out the place .It lies about a Kilometer from the Pokhara.

The view of Trishuli River. The wonderful river looks like sttill unmoving water but actually flows in high current.

The famous and historical village 'Gorkhar'. It is the birth Place of King Prithvi Narayan Shah before 1800 B.C . It is a historical place surrounded by beautiful high hills. It lies in height of 720 m.

The overall view of Pokhara Valley.This Picture was taken from the famous place Machhapuchhhre which lies 10 km far to the hills from Pokhara to the way to Syanjha district. It is one of the best place to view the Beautiful scenary Of Pokhara and the view of Mt Machhapuchhrea.


The Picture of Beni bazar taken from the top of the hill of the mountain next to that valley. More over Beni is a small city which is surrounded by the high hills and a huge river bagmati Historically it is recognized as holy place.

Among the variuos natural beauty of Nepal. The himalayan range , Mahabarat Range , caves , various lakhes etc had enrich the natural beauty of Nepal.

Natural Area Of Nepal

Nepal is divided in three different region accourding to the attitude.They are the Plain Region, Hilly Region and The himalayan Region.These varition in attitude hosts the different species of animals and plants. Geographocally Nepal is divided into 14 zones and 75 district and Five Development Regions.More than 40 zones lies in hilly and himalayan Region.The national bird Danfe is a gift of nature.The beautiful flower " Rhododendron " is the national flower of Nepal.Nepal has more than 360species orchid which constitute over 25 of the world's orchid and comprises 6 percent world's rhododendron species.The total area of Nepal is 147181 sq.m. Not Only this,Edelweiss is the Austria's National flower in Austria, It is almost extinct in the wild, but it is found abundantly in Lamtang valley of Nepal.Though the hidden treasure of its rich biodiversity is not yet fully explored, Nepal is considered to be Asian Amazon . Many new species could be discovered in Nepal.Nepal harbours 5890 species of flowering plants, which 2.4% covers of the world's total and over 250 species of the flowering plants are endemic to Nepal, not found elsewhere.

As the natural diversity of Nepal leads to the growth of thousands ofNatural Medical herbs which has highest demand in the international market.The medical plant 'yarshagumba', 'Paanaule' and 'vakur' which is found in himalayan region has highest demand in international market.

Features of Nepal

The famous caves like Mahendra Caves 'deep inside the rock'.
And the 'Bat cave' full of birds name ‘Bat’.
'Ghuptshor holy cave 'which 'ends to the Davis Fall.

Enjoying the view of Fewa Lake in Pokhara and Begnas Lake in Kaski. Many People enjoy Boating, swimming , Fishing and other recreational activities.

One of the Famous place for Paragliding Spot in Nepal is Sarangkot.
From the top of the high hills of the Pokhara valley you can do Paragliding by which you can view the beautiful scenery of the valley with beautiful lake in the middle.

Rafting through the Trishuli River is the greatest adventure.

Trekking to Annapurna Base Camp and other base camp. Nepal has so many mountain ranges spreading form north east to the north west.
Among them the Annapurna Range , Dhaulagiri Range, Fistail Range.

Bongi Jump
Bongi jump to deep george down the rock stiff at Bhotey Khoshi.

Enjoying the view of Fewa Lake in Pokhara and Begnas Lake in Kaski. Many People enjoy swimming , Fishing and other recreational activities.

Highest Peak of the World

'MtEverest' The highest Peak in World.
The highest Peak of the world is in Nepal which liess in Asia.It is called Mount Everest.Its height is 8848 m form the sea level..Mt Everest the highest peak was formed about 60 million years ago.It lies in ,Latitude 27° 59' N.....Longitude 86° 56' E It's summit ridge seperates Nepal and Tibet.

Sir George Everest was the first person to record the height and location of Mt. Everest, this is where Mt."Everest" got its name from(In american language).The number of people to attempt to climb Mt. Everest is reaches approximately 4,000. Accourding to the history in 1924 A.D. — British explorers George Mallory and Andrew Irvine disappear near the summit, along the Northeast Ridge.
It is possible that they may have actually been the first to reach the summit, but they never returned from the highest peak which became the history.

Map of Nepal

Nepal is a beautiful landlocked country surrounded by china and india from North and South.As Nepal is a himalayan Country full of hills and mountain , the climatic features of Nepal is uniques in the world.The dramatical Structure of Map of Nepal shows that the most of the mouuntains lies at the North of Nepal where as there is Terai region at southern Nepal.Nepal has moderate type of climate throught out the year where as some northen part is covered by snow throughout the year.

Adventure: River Rafting In Nepal

Rafting in Nepal

Adveture River Rafting Challenge ,Nothing can prepare you for the exhilaration of adventure tourism in Nepal which involves river rafting. The land is exquisitely poised between high peaks and lush vegetation. One gets the feeling that it is more than just gravity which impels the foaming water downwards and forwards. It is almost as though the water has a frenzied purpose as it spares nothing in its torrential march towards the plains of the Indian heartland.Nepal has no shortage of local guides when it comes to trekking and mountaineering, but river rafting is relatively unknown. There are some sanitized runs managed by skilled operators, but the maMuch of the attraction lies in the uncharted nature of river rafting in Nepal.